The World’s biggest problem is that individuals view themselves as powerless. We are designed and empowered to overcome and transcend all of these false influences. A gift we must not squander. Once you accept yourself a hundred percent, then it’s over, because you stop relying on validation from imagined external authority sources, and you say, “I am good enough.”

Remind yourself that we’re living in an amazing time on Planet Earth. We’re the first generation to be aware of the choice before us – annihilation or utopia.

“When great changes occur in history, when great principles are involved, as a rule the majority are wrong.” Eugene V. Debs.

“Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive . . . it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it.” The Declaration of Independence.

The reality is, this is our war (the 99%) against the most evil persons on the planet (the 1%). It’s time we derail the elite’s divide-and-conquer scheme and unite to take them down. THEY cause the problems, blame We the People, and try to vilify us for their sins. The issue is how to change the thinking and arrogance of millions of people who are simply too spoiled and selfish. I know, people are generally not too bright. It’s not lack of intelligence, their stupidity has more to do with pride, it’s a spiritual issue. I’m not over the deep depression once the big puzzle picture is brought into focus. Guess how it will be for the next generation or so . . . when they become fully aware of what’s in store, our children will curse our inaction . . . and historians will laugh at our stupidity.

There is nothing complex about the process.  STOP SERVING!!!  I don’t care iff it’s your property tax, your insurance, your Commercial for-profit State-owned Drivers License and Registration . . . we don’t have to fight to be free, just stop serving.  The only thing happening on Planet Earth is contract.  No contract=No jurisdiction. It’s a NAME game, nothing more.  Sign/print ALL CAPS NAME like a second grader.  By:  JANE DOUGH DOE –the straw man’s ALL CAPS NAME that is on your birth certificate.  You are signing for/By: THE STRAW MAN.

But for Christ’s sake STOP SERVING.

9 thoughts on “WIMPS TO WARRIORS

  1. The issue is how to change the thinking and arrogance of millions of people who are simply too spoiled and selfish. I know, people are generally not too bright. It’s not lack of intelligence, their stupidity has more to do with pride, it’s a spiritual issue.

    -which is why the issue isn’t how to change their thinking so much as–how to change their hearts. The thinking will fall into place.

    But for Christ’s sake STOP SERVING.

    -Dylan wrote, “it might be the devil, or it might be the Lord, but you’re gonna have to serve somebody.” Which is another issue of the ❤

  2. ` adue thank you for the correction suzy ~shiner. It’s so heart,head,honor (positive-spirit essence), isn’t it? Too many i know don’t choose to make the initial connection with self. The inner higher-self, as they say. Gotta love your self first. Thoughts, actions, words –which we have total control over. Indeed, the only thing we do have control over.

    To Dylan’s quote i would reference Biblical ~’ye cannot serve two masters.’

    So naturally it’s a ❤ matter. Nature/Natural. ❤

  3. “can’t serve two masters”

    That’s what Jesus meant by, :”you’re either for me or against me.” Too many people have brutalized that sentiment including George Bush. But loving your higher self is a form of loving “God”. On the other hand, if you serve the ego first, that is like trying to serve the other master. The higher self, the Christ, Krishna, Jah, whatever you call it, is inside. Serving the higher self is the same as serving God. And so when you relate to others–serve their higher self (if you can). But it’s not always so easy to decipher what is what. Illusions and delusions start right there. For who is this higher self? It’s something to find out.

    Too many i know don’t choose to make the initial connection with self.

    The thing is, it’s not easy to connect to “the higher inner self”, i like to call it the Self as opposed the self (ego). People say, “okay God, if you’re real–prove it to me”. Then they wait for five minutes for an answer and when nothing happens they conclude there is no god(s). Sorry folks, but the answer isn’t gonna come as a big production number with a star filled cast and a groovy soundtrack. Or maybe they pick up a book by some holy person. But God can’t be found in a book. One has to listen. And listen some more. And then some more. Listen with the inner ear. Rumi had it right when he said that every one who knocks on your door is a guide.

    “the kingdom of heaven is spread out over the earth but men do not see it.”

  4. “the kingdom of heaven is spread out over the earth but men do not see it.”

    Its taken this queen the majority of her life to ‘see’ heaven. Unfortunately, the sum of this, took the loss of one of my daughters. And it instantly hit me like a boulder as to what matters and what doesn’t matter at all. All living things –nature- melded into One. For instance, i have no use for Man-made laws –just ‘lost sight’ of that illusionary over-lord BULLSH!T.

    “That men should not be equal is the primitive belief of primitive people.”

    “No race of kings has ever presented one man of common sense in twenty generations.” Jefferson, Aug. 4, 1787.

    “There is not s sprig of grass that shoots uninteresting to me.” Jefferson

  5. -when you see the word “heaven” used by Jesus you have to self-edit the interpretation of the word. He didn’t mean “heaven” like the Christian conception of a nice place where good folks go after they die. He meant the higher planes. Heaven isn’t about a utopian dream, it’s about a reality that is here right now.

  6. -that’s why suzy likes to steal peoples shoes, it gets them closer to heaven.

  7. ~i can see that. For grounding purposes and other ethereal reasons, queen removes her shoes whenever embracing (small part of the circumference of) a redwood. And redwood(s) are about twenty feet from my door. Ahhh . . . zeee forest life.

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